we did dna to find out how to run piercy is. -- bell purer one says nixon breed -- a mixed breed and he is also. war negative awesome. >> can be done about being an art instructor? >> no. i am still a people. every press tropism alerting experience in did is important to have people of around who understand that in berlin to help you and and reach out. if you look at the overall leader's that look like tony blair or putin or into liverpool but there is no confidence son have a lot of paint with a big brushstrokes it is the evolving style. and to have the confidence to paint that way. >> this is an honest. would you do a portrait of our family for a christmas card? >> no. dave will say lee paid for charity? i say no. i will do that the rest of my life i will not ever sell one. this collection of 98 we are giving it to the bush foundation endowment fund it may be worth something 30 years from now with a run out of money and they can sell it. i made a fancy sophisticated copy i promise to make all the one copy and i will send it to each veteran. [applause] >> a couple of questions about