bellows is flying over pierre millay from paris. pierre millay? yeah. yeah! no kidding? who-- who's he? pierre millay is the art expert at the louvre. he's-- he's the world's foremost expert on art. oh, boy. well, the world is gaining a rembrandt, but losing an astronaut. are you standing there aint it, general. he pretended to. but i have two art experts who swear that it's genuine. art experts have been known to make mistakes. oh, i'm aware of that, sir. so i've taken the liberty of flying in the greatest art expert in the world: pierre millay, from the louvre. and if he says it's genuine? then major nelson will have to explain what he's doing with a stolen rembrandt. and once he does that, then i think we can make him explain a lot of other mysterious things that have been happening around here. i've waited a long time for this day, general. major nelson. yes, sir. monsieur millay will be here any minute. shall we go? um, i don't think it'll be necessary, sir. there's something i want to tell you. oh, i'm sure there is. but i don't want to hear it. you-- you don't wan