joining me now doug schoen democratic strategist and pollster and cj pierson co-chair of the g.o.p.isory council. doug, let's start with you. what happened to this party, the democrat party in they weren't always like. this no. it wasn't when i worked for bill clinton as you mentioned in your angle we sought to differentiate ourselves with policies that reflected what the american people wanted. smaller government, balanced budget, reducing spending and reducing debt. right now the party is unrecognizable. has no message, has no strategy. is rudderless and frankly i thought was embarrassing itself with its behavior, laura. when the joint session of congress was a very moving address. >> well, c.j., instead of urging that, you don't do what al the raging cane green did. they celebrated him today. with a we shall overcome like he was thrown out because of his race? again, clinging to the racial polarization which i guess they think worked in 2020 to some extent. it isn't working today. not with the multi-cultural party that the republican party is becoming. >> no, laura, you are exact