pilar lavalley. my understanding is nothing as changed in terms of the project that was reviewed and analyzed in that draft e.i.r., so beyond that, i don't think i can say much more about that actual project. >> can you remind me if that building was a category a building before it was landmarked? >> yes. before it was landmarked, so it was a category a building prior to the analysis that was done for the draft e.i.r. through the adoption of the junior league survey in 1968. initial analysis was done as part of its historic resource status, and there were -- there was a conflict of opinions between the consultant and the department on that, but it was found to be or reaffirmed to be a historic resource for the purposes of ceqa and treated as such in the analysis for that draft e.i.r. >> and what was the threshold that pushed it to the landmark designation in your -- in your -- >> i mean, i think that the supervisor initiated it, and really, the designation actually that was put together that relied s