spiritual fulfillment would detach himself from this world and give up his family and go on a pill -- pilgramage, and you have to work in this world as a way to achieve spiritual fulfillment. he did that strange costume change and became the gandhi we picture, having been a well attired suited british style lawyer. and he went to traditional places for spiritual fulfillment and started a movement. tavis: at what age would you suggest that gandhi that is in full acknowledge of his purpose. he starts at south africa and goes back india, but at what age in the thrust of? >> i say he makes this transformation in his life in his late 30's. 37 or 38. and the key moment comes in 1913 when he would have been 44. so late 30's and early 40s. tavis: the reason i ask that, that's to be sure a journey and evolution. king by contrast is dead by 39. he's a nobel lawyer and starts leading the montgomery boycott at 26. and dispurgement on gandhi, but gandhi who king wants to emul e emulate. >> gandhi doesn't have models to emulate on the path he's set out. that's one answer. i had an interesting discussion with