david pilpel. i'm sorry i submitted my memo late on friday but i hope you have read temperature i can answer questions you have. the sunshine ordinance task force start meet nothing april of 1994, 30 years ago and i served on and off for 14 of the past 28 years. i of agree this things are trending well at this time. without regard to a specific complaint, i think public works does a good job in this area and as a leader citywide i note there was a previous citywide public recordace group that met under the puc's efforts. that ended and there was president of time when there was not one and david steinberg did we start this, that has been helpful. i note this public works has a prom nanlt website page rarting public records requests. at public works. org. and it is referenced under about us and services. it is -- pretty easy to finds and have a lot of good information for anyone seek a public record from public works. i will mention one other thing, i had information about background and troefrns me