she said she was in love with a horse at pimlico, but her stable shipped her out here. well, that's race-biz. yup. same old story. boy meets girl, boy loses girl, well, listen, ed, tell her the only way to get over a broken heart is to lose herself in her work. tell her to think about nothing else but racing. morning, noon and night. check. (horses nickering) (horse neighing) ed, how are you doing? worst advice you could have given her. -she didn't like it, huh? -hated it. she's blubbering all over the place. better try another angle. tell her the quickest way to get over a broken heart is to find another love interest. (apprehensively) another love interest, huh? yeah. tell her... "honey, "you're lovely. you're young. "why, there isn't a horse in the world aw, kiss me, wilbur. oh, come on, ed. now, you get in there and tell her. (horses nickering) wilbur. well? she stopped bawling. that's great, ed! and she forgot all about that horse at pimlico. wonderful. (lady linda nickering) what's wonderful? now she's in love with me. i've got this poor dame on the rebound. well,