deere was pinchot's mentor. pinchot was a very strange guy. he lived with this ghost for 20 years. the love of his life was like the love of roosevelt's guide. he couldn't accept his loss. he claimed the spirit appeared to him and he claims that he was sealed to her. this didn't come out until a few years ago by the way that it was the best kept secret of pinchot life. this is the top advisor to the president of the united states and he claimed he had his spirit wife with him many times when he was dining with roosevelt. he was read to this ghost at night, and he would tell her about his day. he would run his speeches by her. he is a very strange guy. he used to sleep on a wooden the low end he will -- wouldn't the low end he would wake up -- pillow and he would wake up sometimes with his valet throwing cold water in his face. whenever you would come out to visit his rangers everyone was sort of flummoxed because he was a great companion in the day. he could hike with anyone. he was a great fisherman. great marksman. but that night, pinchot would wander off into the dark and sleep