i tell you a story about pinehurst. dr.orwood, now deceased, dentist from augusta, georgia. i went to his funeral in augusta. there was an old man about my age with a big sign with these words, "thanks, charlie." i wish it had been in the next morning's paper. but norwood always would go out of his way to put down pinehurst as opposed to augusta. never missed a chance to do that. so one day when i left the floor, one of my colleagues said, what's the makeup of your district? norwood heard the question and i said my district consists of the furniture capital of the world, high point. say that, and i think we probably are. one of the best zoos in the world, i said to my colleague. and then knowing that norwood was listening, i said it in a condescending tone, i said the golf capital of america in pinehurst. he came out of his seat. he said i'll give you furniture and zoo but you ain't taking golf. i told that story to the rotary club at pinehurst, or southern pines, one of them. i think it was pinehurst. that story was told t