the yakub kolas museum is the main attraction of the village of pinkovicha.knows yakub kolas as one of. get a selfie for the partner of the famous poet, well, let's try, if we are kind, not only buildings have been preserved, but also books, some of them are quite old, for example, you can read a guide to raising and teaching children, written in 1875, such as an old manual for young mothers and teachers, very interesting, how did they teach to raise children then, no lullabies and... their means should be allowed, all of them are harmful for the child, restless for those caring for them, a child accustomed to falling asleep in arms, every time he wakes up, screams to be picked up, and since he wakes up quite often, you will have to take him out of the crib often, and it is very easy to catch a cold, what language are you in? it's in russian , it's just that here uh pre-revolutionary - more - i can also boast that our native kolas often visit us, we can say that we have invaluable relations with the granddaughter of yakub kolas, the dacha of that same mikhas,