see this marvelous passage that illuminates a character for you also i mentioned a woman named pinky adair called her pinky 'cause she had this red hair. and she was trying to establish a homestead on the national forest illegally but if you could prove that the ground was arable, that was one of the prisms of the national homestead if you could prove it was farmable land. it wasn't. but she's up there and she get drafted to be a cook and a cook for convicts because one of the things they did that was very controversial here in missoula, they opened up the jails. they let people out of jail. they did this in wallace, idaho. they established marshall law to control people. they were so desperate for men one of the headlines in the missoulans was men, men, men exclamation point. they were grabbing hobos down on front street as they called them. and pinky adair is drafted to be a cook for these 80 convicts up in the national forest and she shows him a pistol and someone said do you know how to use that. put a can of beans on that stump and she takes out her pistol and pops, hits it dead aim a