thisort of turmoilm trng to settle things down, anthey tri to crte progrs for ki beuse you had pioneer gh schoo this big high school there, they're building huron, those two schools were the most expensive schools in the country when they were built. - these parents, they wanted something different for their kids, some kind of alternative school program. so then, bruce macpherson was brought in as the superintendent because he had started something in philadelphia called the school without walls, and that was a program where kids could get credit in philadelphia called the school without walls, for ing wo ouide the hool. and th was likthe ed that routed into community high school. - well, i was interested in being in a new type of high school and it was groundbreaking, so i was excited about that. my fathewas prty frustted because they did not have the backing of most everybody. i mean, if you go back and check the "ann arbor news" out, you'll see some things going on the timehat had r very fst meeti at the church across the street, well, i think one of the articles, or on the news or something