. >> good afternoon, my name is piper morris and i also live right around the corner at 134 downty street and i am new to the neighborhood and i have been here three years. and when i moved in, one of the reasons that i chose my apartment was the prior businesses that were there at the market and the deli. and once they closed, it really was, a chance in the neighborhood, and one that i did not like. now, with the new market and bacon bacon, i really appreciated that change and it has been positive and that is all that i have. thanks. >> thank you. >> good afternoon. my name is tina smith and i live at 231 fredrick, which is right next door to bacon bacon. you could not get any closer unless you moved in with the store. and i very much enjoy having them there. and i enjoy the activity that they generate. and i enjoy once in a while i get in good with the bacon. not enough, as far as i am concerned. so i do hope that you give them favorable consideration. thank you. >> thank you. >> my name is ben robin sn son and i am the owner of the ashbury market and i have been with jim for two years