technology update identifying external threat there is one thing but no profession is more to gain by piri beneath the surface than medicine with each new advance scientists are leveling the playing field against seemingly unseeable foes since we can really only observe the consequences or symptoms of most illnesses doctors have always had to rely on reading between the lines they can often only narrow in on our ailments by process of elimination but on the back of many giant leaps forward in the past century m.d.'s now have a greater arsenal at their disposal. for example they can bombard our bodies with harmless ultrasonic waves showing the image in real time. pregnancies as well as blood flow there are radioactive isotopes doctors to target specific organs often to check for cancer magnetic fields have also been mastered to keep an eye on soft tissues like the brain injured tendons but the granddaddy of them. which has been giving doctors a glimpse. for more than one hundred years. discovered by accident has highlighted how gaining new insight into what was previously out of reach. the