it is a pis torical. and saying it is a better idea. the government doesn't run anything well. it is underfunded mention plans. they should have the right. like john hon said if you make the decision, it is your mon yenot theirs. >> john? >> social security eradicated elderly poverty, that is true. but in the 1960s, lyndon johnson and his congress said quote. there is so much money there we'll never spend it and so they wrote iou. and now it is bankrupt. it is a ponzi scheme and pay as you go scheme. the pensions right now are not funded. politicians said we can fund them or spend more money to get relected and they are stealing it out of the municipal pension and that is a problem going forward. >> yawn thon made a point. you know what is going to happen. the will come out to the federal government for a bail out . states are bailing out pension fund exercise bail out the whole darn world. >> it is a scheme for the banking industry it let's privaticize social security . we are beating up on 401 k. average account balance of 62 percent . they are private 401 k's . this is your