he got on a plane, was in pittsfield, flew back and talked to the president. there were many times i did not do what he said, got the person involved who should stop him, times i didn't and wish i had. there were an awful lot of things he'd ask you to do you knew you couldn't do, couldn't do, shouldn't do. >> you say he didn't know how to unwind? >> didn't know how to unwind. i remember one time after gosh, after the teamsters endorsed nixon, which i arranged in '72, i went out to california to be there for the teamster meeting down the road from san cla amenity. i was there when they endorsed him, front page story the next day. the next morning, he was exuberant. he says let's go for a ride. we go outside into the golf cart, which he then drives with the secret service following, i was never more nervous in my life because he's driving up and down the roads, here is where kissinger has a house, he is showing me this stuff, he is not a good driver, not paying attention, he was in a golf cart. it was his way of celebrating. that's about as far as i saw nixon go