so as they were coming down the coast with squanto, they come to pituxit, and they realize pituxit was devastated. imagine that squanto coming that back home, he found all of this people are dead. will that change you as a person? i think so. the end of going to the vineyard. there is a leader in the vineyard in now, he was also a captain and the slave and 16 11, over it england. he made it back, that. how he made it back was and 16 14 they were asking him to, is it cold where you are? he was a chief, he was not dumb. he was probably thinking, yeah there is gold. if you bring me back home, i will tell you where the gold is at. in 16 14, they brought him back home. and that's when he yelled out something in his native tongue, they enlisted not understand. a lot of these men come to the beach, they attack the ship and he had a chance to jump over and swim to shore. he made at home. he sees dermot coming, and another ship coming in 60 19, that is about five years. you think these people are coming to get me again. so there is another fight of the brics out, germany gets injured quite badl