maria: 2016 proving to be a remarkable and pivotaal year for america. kyle bass is with us. he joins us right now. gary: i want to talk to you about the race but first i want to talk about the story of the week. negative interest rates. there were warnings about the implications for negative rates. as i talk to our clients, it's the biggest concern we have. should we be worried about negative interest rates in the united states? kyle bass: i think this is where the academics are clark with the practitioners. i think on paper negative rates make a lot of sense, but in the world they make no sense. having $trillions in debt an trading at 50 basis points is ludicrous. this experiment going on, we all know will end poorly but we don't know when that time is. gary: the academics may influence the policy makers. should people be considering taking money out of banks because soon they may be having to leave the money there? >> if they told you and i they are going to tax 'deposits by 100 basis points, better to put it in a safe under your mattress. that's why you see resurgence in