an obscure digital rendering company on fire sale when george lucas needed to get rid of it called pixar. he had the idea this could be used to create full length animated movie. he thought that would be cool. he found john lsaiter and they worked on a movie called "toy story," and they spent so much money on it, he came near to bankruptcy on it, finally, he did a hail mary pass and did a deal with disney, and toy story is the top ten biggest grossing movies of all time, two sequels also on the top ten lists, and he did it not to make money. he just thought it was cool. i remember meeting steve jobs in the kitty pool in a resort in hawaii years back when we both had young children, and i went with my daughter into the pool, and steve jobs is in there. he sticks out his hand and said, hi, my name's steve, i make movies, what do you do? look, man, the secret is just love your work. what else did he do? he created itunes and the ipod. that's his third industry. he completed transformed computers, transformed movies, and then transformed music. he's not done. he created the iphone and comple