living artists will discuss his new memoir about creating art when it's no [ snoring ] honey, geo's pizza palaces. excuse me. a random sales rep just emailed for the 14th time about an important new offer that has nothing to do with our business. well forget the merger, this is far more important. hey guys! a random sales rep just emailed for the 14th time... this is the first photo of your life, son. your first smile. your first bath. the room we made for you. and you'll meet nana and grandpa. i can't wait for the world to see you... like i do. [sigh] ♪ dramatic music ♪ [sigh] ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ [typing] ♪ ♪ [typing] ♪ ♪ [typing] ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ music swells ♪ ♪ ♪ [footsteps] ♪ ♪ [typing] ♪ ♪ inspiration is out there. go find it. ♪ ♪ this black friday, do you want a tv? or do you want. the place on the tv? daily show." my guest tonight is ai weiwei, an activist and one of the world's most important living artists. he's here to talk about his new memoir "one thousand years of joys and sorrows." ai weiwei, welcome to "the daily show." i'm not exaggerating when i say you might be one of the coolest human beings i