we recently adopted a rule, for example, in pjm allowing them to require phaser measurement units for certain types of line so the rate regulation helps support those invests. >> you're talking about new deployment and this is, if we're talking about issue de jure and apparently we are because right now the 9/11 service in washington state is down in part of our state. so it is the issue de jure. so if it is, why not look at ways to further incent, not just on new deployment but on the resiliency of the grid? to me the security measure is smart grid technology and figuring out why we don't see a faster deployment? yes, some of the technologies created in washington state but then again, we've lived and breathed and benefited from an electricity grid with cheap hydropower for a long, long time. so it is more of an ethos for us. so my question is, isn't there a faster way? but unfortunately i have to go and vote. thank you, madam chair. >> i would like to hear the answer to that so please continue. thank you, senator cantwell. who would like to answer the senator's question? >> well, i'