p>> you can forget that she was pjohn mccain's running mate in p2008. pshe said she chose trump because phe shares her vision for pamerica. p>> man: i love sarah palin. pshe is fantastic. pwithout her friendship and psupport, i wouldn't be in the psenate today. p>> reporter: trump, who cruz psaid will work with a liberal pleft. p>> man: if you're looking for psomeone who is a deal maker and pwill give in to the dem krats, pthen perhaps donald trump is p>> man: i believe that would be pa big mistake for iowa to psupport him. p>> man: this is that's true pfeelings. pi guess you agree, too. p>> man: i agree. phe's been mixed in the subject, phe goes wherever the votes are. pi'd really like to win. pdon't forget, iowa hasn't picked pthat winner for 16 years. pif he pick someone other than pme, they're going to pick a ploser. p>> man: ted has got a tough ptemperament. pyou can't call people liars on pthe senate floor when they're pyour leader. p>> man: it makes it hard for pcandidates to get traction. pbut they can do it in town phall's like this and there's