pkristy rivera and her friend pthink some kids are poor test ptakers. pdecided the end of the year test pwould be worth 30%. pthe teens say that's too much. pthe district is defending its osition. p>> if you bomb this test, how pbadly could it affect you? p>> if you totally bomb the test, pit could drop you one letter pgrade. p>> the students started an ponline petition. ptrying to collect 5000 psignatures. pthey have just under 3000. pthe finals are worth 25% in phillsboro. inellas doesn't require finals. p>> i'm still checking my power pball numbers. pwe will have another look at the pnumbers. pthe return of a very popular psci-fi series. pfamiliar stars of the x-files pcoming up at 11:24. pbeefing up security at the place pwhere dreams come true. pwhat to expect the next time you pgo to disneyworld. p>> we needed more help than what pthe red cross could provide, pthis is a daunting task. p>> there's an entire city pwithout safe drinking water. pthis has residents in flint, pmichigan struggling. pwhy the help that arrived today pmay not be enough. p>> yeah, updating computer pmodels c