english term, you guys. [ laughter ] [ in british accent ] "honey, i think there's a little placentaoxing day." [ light laughter ] but, in this one, you really do take a step up. you're married -- you get married. it's very romantic, i'd say. >> yeah, yeah. you would hope getting married is. >> jimmy: that's right. [ laughter ] exactly. well, you never know. >> it's very depressing for everybody. [ light laughter ] >> jimmy: well, we saw what happened with the kardashians. [ laughter and applause ] sometimes it is -- similar story. similar story. no, but in this one -- in this one -- so, you guys get married. it's actually beautifully shot. and you get married and you go, "ah, these guys are totally in love." i'm not ruining anything by saying she gets pregnant. and -- oh, man. [ light laughter ] yeah. >> funny, it just kind of -- >> jimmy: you don't know if it's -- i mean, you don't know if it's a a devil baby. what is it? [ laughter ] >> yeah. >> jimmy: i mean, it's, like, a devil baby. >> i know. i mean, i just love -- i love the bit when kristen reveals that she's -- that she thi