th're plannin ectio to lethe ople decide wh they nt. >> we have rchedhis important and pular conciation. at the same me, how to deal with elecons smoothly, kindly and peacefully, and to accept the election. >> palestinian celebration mit be prematu. visions are deep. tensions wit israel arrisi. hamas hopeshe u.n. nera assemb wil recognize paleinia independencin december. bothactions seem to have included -- concluded that unity and elections wil make em rong, whatever israel say > thbritish government is calling on t intnatial commity increaseinaial suortfor political rorm the noheas-- inheiddle st a africa. wiiam hagueaid the ab spring could providereat adnce of human rights and freedom if it was backed by internationalupport similar to that given to formerommunist counies after the end o the ld war. >> we shod u europe's economic magnetism to encrage and sportrealolital and economic rorm. that means new rtnership wh the sthern nighbors, wita simple proposalt it heart. the europeauniowill share it proerity and open markets in retn for rea pgress o econic rorm. the eopeaunion should off