so a lot of times, we do tempered glass on both sides, and plastic lamination, or whatever, in between. actually, what we prefer to do is -- i put heat strengthened glass, which we haven't really talked about, and tempered on the other side. heat strengthened glass is glass that is kind of tempered. you know, it's tempered, but not fully tempered. it's got kind of a half measure. stronger than eneeled glass and will take more impact. but where we saw the big piece of glass broken into shards the heat strengthened glass will break into shards maybe this size. the tempered glass, as you see, broke into teeny pieces. so if both sides were tempered and it broke, you know, this whole thing would peel -- you know, would fall over, you know, with this plastic in between, if it didn't have the century guard that -- the new depont stuff which is going to keep it rigid. but if we used heat strengthened on one side and tempered on the other, the two will still remain rigid. >> i want to thank you all for coming. i want to thank ken paige for this extremely exciting and illuminating adventure toda