o.k. - now, should you have doubts about the success of the operation, know this: in 2018, plato llenoed - let's call it repurposed - more than 200 tons of food from catered events, office ceterias, convention centres, and wholesalers across the city. they've already done it in five other cities in latin america. just wait until this really takes off! all you need are proactive citizens, and a way to transport food. you're working short-term, maybe a little bit long-term, but what is the ultimate goal? how are you going to scale it up? how are you going to push it even more? yeah. that would be horrible. - like most cities in the world, buenos aires was bike-friendly for decades, but that was a couple of generations ago. so in recent years, daniel nazero was one of the only cyclists in town. until 2010, that is, when the city finally started investing in bicycle mobility. over 140 km of bike lanes have been built, along with a popular bike-share system. and it's working! bike commuting went up 4% in just few years. and daniel just might help improve this number by giving people access