a big one was an plattsburg your, called the plattsburg movement and often the least college students of the day would spend their summers training to be military officers and many of them did become military officers and in fact after the war, the rotc as manila today traces its roots back to this platts berkman. >> so, was there grassroots movement to get into the war? was the war popular before the americans got into it? >> the war was popular with some people but i think one of the things most people forget about world war i is that it was very divisive both entering the war and how to fight the war after it starts and a lot of that division and contest has been forgotten over the years since then. >> where did your book, world war i and the making of the modern american citizen, come from? >> the book actually started from a puzzling group of people, so in a footnote of another book that fund reference to what were called slacker raids. lacquer was the slang term in world war i for draft dodgers, slacker raids were carried out by a group of volunteers, mostly middle-aged men, ove