. -- plawz. thank you.eally quite a beautiful space and honor to be standing at the base of the stair case and this incredible rotunda and i want to thank the dancers and singers and drummers for sharing their heritage with us and just adds to this special event and be sure to tune in through november. thanks. [applause] >> all right. thank you michael and i would like to call to the stage at this time mr. joaquin torres the director of neighborhood service from the mayor's office. good to see you again. [applause] >> well, good evening everyone and just to reaffirm on behalf of mayor lee it's a pleasure to have you here tonight in city hall, our humble abode. to all of the musicians and performers and nice to bring life into sometimes these cold walls and we we can. kqud and to all of you for coming out of the studio and brings your presence into here city hall. i know the broadcasting world is happy from the election results last night and we can continue to deliver programming for our communities. [appla