a few years after the playclothes at caltech i receive the strange e-mail from a woman i had never heard of. this is what it said. i have seen the media attention, the time has come for you to know something. you have an older sister you have never been told about. i should point out the media attention was the result of caltech producing the play. i assumed it was the electronic equivalent of a crank call so i deleted it but over the next few days it started to haunt me. one day i went into my e-mail and and deleted it. kind of makes you wonder if the internet is really like the waw conservation of matter and energy. nothing can ever really be destroyed. i sent a reply, who are you and where did you get this information? she replied call this number. she provided a phone-number. name is ruth, she has the information you need. one evening i called the phone number she provided and the groggy ruth answered, sounded like i had woken her. i told her about the e-mails. do you know what this is all about? i ask. do i really have a sister no one has ever told me about? yes, she said. i am your