gerri: you tnk about kids playingootbalall. you think about kids playing all these boards.running down the field blow@ with no helmet, nothing. and out of the survey that we have been talking about, the recovery link from a concussion for kids and adults,12 days without a prior conssion, 28 daysith severe several previous concussions. i mean, i don't think people know those facts. they don'tnow the tatistics. you yourself played for eight people need to be aware of this. mom and dad need to say it's high-school football. who cares. you're sitting out. >> exactly. here's the story. in our society lal -- little league basebl, if you throw 65 pitches you have to sit at a minimal three days. we don't have the heaount and footba, at, and soccer. we are more worried about the leag baseball, our society is re worried about an elbow in the rotator cuff. you bng up elements. helmets stopped anything ckey and football would not have a concussion problem. is not necessaly wearing a but being educated andhere, and i just don't -- it was intesting about these studies. twenty-eight days.