. >> another question, how is economy hall related to plessy versus ferguson? the members of the economy theety probably one of first -- they were among the first. may be of the two black mutual aid societies plessy versus ferguson was in 1890. there were many more, hundreds of mutual aid association by that time. many of them supported the plessy versus ferguson case. it was the president of the economy society. he was also a member of the citizens committee who were involved and taking the plessy case to court. so the economy and has in the minutes the president is saying he says it in french but i know many of you are in support of the y legislation very much against the jim crow law. plessy versus ferguson for those who doho not know was a case that is taken to the united states court separate but equal. i wanted to ask one more question and then maybe we will end it fairly soon. i wondered if you could talk for a minute about music sell many of us associate new orleans with music with jazz in particular. you write a lot about music in the book. can you tal