. -- -- pleuralistic. there's a lot of ways to connect with judaism and that's a strength, something for everyone. >> we have an interesting model, we're in an urban area so it's a camp that is accessible to many kids. we see that kids who have different kinds of backgrounds and levels of observance can focus on what connection is at camp. because we're on a farm we have more of a bio cent trick centric focus so kids can have an experience that is not designed by someone else. they can let their guard down and connect through farming and building with mud. that experience of being a child is a foundation to a positive jewish experience. >> we're going to take a quick break and come back in just a moment back to mosaic. please join us in just a moment. >>> good morning, welcome back to mosaic. i'm ra buybbi eric weiss. become back to ariella and beck becka. we were talking about your voirs programs. it seems nature is in the context of jewish life. i'm wondering if you can talk about that. nature is a centr