plexus belts. there is nothing really evil about a four plex. it increases supply and affordability and there needs to be more flexibility. you've a lot of land in austin. there seems to be this feeling like a dog and a workout. it has always worked out for austin. most of your lives it has worked out. i'm trying to tell you as you probably know it's now a different world since 2012. i think they have changed the housing market and it's not going back to the days of being a slacker. i think the reality check that my book tries to give. we want active engagement in that sense. carrie, speaking of slackers. you've a very diverse set of folks that you interviewed to tattoo parlors. and owners. to a rapper and or -- how did you find yourself subjects. i has been a filmmaker for a long time. you just pound the pavement and you reach out for people. there is serendipity involved though. there is a chapter in the book where there is a cab driver. i met him because i was in his cabin he was a good talker. he was the one that had written the law. the hav