what research is being currently conducted by the nih on plga? what treatments and therapeutic alternatives are on the horizon for plga patients? and are there any clinical trials currently being conducted by nih for plga? i would really like to respond back to this little boy. >> thank you for the question. the doctor head of that department is currently out of the country, but i'll see what i can do. i'll agree, plga is one of those pediatric cancers that we definitely need better answers for, that it is slow growing it doesn't respond particularly well to the kinds of approaches as cancers that are growing rapidly. clearly, there's a connection here between what we were discussing a little bit ago in terms of a cancer focus of the precision medicine initiative, and as part of that the cancer institute aims to enroll something like 1,000 pediatric patients in this earlier stage of trying to understand what drives malignancy. i would be very surprised if some of those are not in fact plga patients. to try to understand more about the disease. ob