. >> bill: joe cirincione is our guest from the ploughshares fund >> announcer: this is the "full courtill: 26 minutes after the hour. education, education important issue. didn't come up directly in the last presidential debate. but both mitt romney and barack obama did bring it in. steven morgan is a professor of social sciences at cornell university in studio with us. good to see you again. and author of the new paper looking at the consequences of international comparisons for public support of k-12 education. where can people find this? >> it is in an academic journal called educational researcher. unless you're one of the 30,000 members of the educational research association -- i'm sure you have some -- it will be on your desk if you're one of the 30,000. if not, you can get to it online but you might have to pay a little bit. >> bill: peter any comments -- >> at bp show. we did get a comment from barkway who says what romney would offer students are high-interest private loans to keep them on the debt wheel their entire lives. so that's one aspect of mitt romney's education plan