he's not an ployies, though he has a somewhat authentic looking uniform, he has a washington state patrol patch that is available at the souvenir shop. he likened this outfit to a halloween costume. >> they must be thrilled at that. >> well, they know who the guy is, he's a local cannabis proponent. no actions are going to be taken against him. he's just in a crowd. he's not attempting to arrest somebody. >> does everybody get stoned in this crowd because there's so much secondhand smoke? do you just stand there and get high from this? >> at a festival like that, you're already baked upon arrival. >> wow! >> you can see there the two kids were riding their bikes and this calf comes sailing through. we say it was going 50 to 55 miles per hour. if you notice, the kid who is 12 years old jumps back up and shakes it off. the kid said he was so startled, he took off. he didn't report it until the next day. >> to me it looked like whoever was driving had a lot of time to slow down or stop. you can see they're crossing the street. >> i think it was probably a distracted driver because it does no