>> thank you very much plrsh, mr. speaker. substantial difference is wrapped up in section two where we can deal with the issue of the other flags on the state house grounds that was brought up earlier related to the veteran's monument. and there's another section that was in the amendment 59 that is not even now present in amendment 66. >> i'll hear from you. >> thank you mr. chair. mr. speaker, what is being attempted to be done is basically take a provision a previous amendment which was already voted on and declared outside the scope of the resolution. you have taken that has already been declared to not be within the scope and adding it to a bill that's already been clinched. you have something that's clinched and something that's out of order. adding that to an amendment that has been clearly clinched does not make it valid to be considered before this body at this time. >> your amendment is dilatory, is it not mr. smith? >> on multi -- >> your motion -- >> yes, i would say it's absolutely dilatory. it's also adding a pr