but the plt even acknowledged a couple months ago before the election, i may not be in office forever and there has got to be some kind of -- >> good news, michael. >> -- there's got to be some kind of rule book here. look, sarah palin was a heartbeat away from overseeing the drone program. i mean, that is -- >> thankfully, 270 electoral votes had a heartbeat. >> there will be someone after barack obama. >> absolutely. that's exactly what the president said in the state of the union, that the people of the united states have to have a rationale for what their government does beyond somebody saying it's the right thing to do. and i think that's, look, that's why early in the administration the president discussed the torture memos at the national archi archives. that's why the president, and i want to emphasize this, john brennan has led the entire administration on this into understanding that if we do not give the american people a better legal understanding of why this program operates, how it operates, and provide some transparen transparency, that it will undermine, ultimately, co