america's most controversial columnist." >> that was the triumph of the public relations department. i would not say that about myself, although i get some very wonderful mail and letters to the editor from tolerant, pluralistic, open-minded, pro-academic, freedom liberals who say such things as, "volunteer yourself for brain trauma experiments, you sadistic creep." >> why do you think they wanted to say "america's most controversial columnist"? >> oh, it's part of the hype. i'm in 350 papers in all 50 states, and most editors gratefully respond that they get more mail on my column, pro and con, than all of their other columnists. so, as you know, one of the premiere things in the information or communications business is to get people to read or watch you. and if you don't have that, you don't have anything. so i deal with the cultural, get people to read or watch you and if you don't have that you don't have anything. i deal with the cultural, morali ethical, political dimensions that seem to rile people up the most and get the most controversy going, so i guess that's why they said it. c-span: the foreword is written by rush limbaugh. >> guest: up-and-coming dcsayingter.or rush was very generous in sayint