to that eye, and there are 13 arrows, there are 13 olive leaves symbolizing the peace, you --ee pluribus unum out of many comes one, in god we trust, everything in here is encoded in 13. the founders loved 13 and they wouldn't understand our phobia for 13 floors, with the exception of the national press club, or taking the 13th floor of airplanes, frequently they used to do that. out. and even our obsession or phobia about friday the 13th. they would even view what i was photographing at montecello, the 76 citizens, they would gather and look at the numerology, numerology is kind of fun, take this numbers and add them up, 7 plus 6 equals 13. well, where this is leading is that mr. jefferson as did franklin, extrapolated that for every 19 years there is a new generation of americans born. every 19 years. and, if you multiply that on july 4th, 2005, the day i was walking up to the dome, to photograph these 76 citizens, we became at that point all of us, became the 13th generation of americans since this founding of the revolution. this is the original american dream. and again the math is, 19 t