pluribus unum the radical multicultural. israel to palestine, christianity to government, capitalism to markets, and where the rest of the world considers only government employees worthy of being armed, america was founded on precisely the opposite foreign premise. and it is these same conservative values, these same conservative founding principles that will see you in the world through this storm. i know you are hurting, and i know you are falling behind your own potential. the well oiled has become sluggish. organized in thought that turns to sloppily sourced. shifted to survival, debt is historic. the rise of china concerning. the attacks on your embassies this concerning. exceptional fields like your evening out. you got a piano of all pianos on your back. and right now, even help seems fruitless. i can tell you one thing. my country, in my country, and others, everyone has written you off. they say we already live in a post-american world. that america's time has expired, that it's done, that it has mold pashtun no mo