no word from the master knows about the money for the barge stephen and max decide to visit plymouth plantation a living history museum that attempts to replicate the original settlement of the plymouth colony. through afternoon. welcome thank you or. we're on a pilgrimage here today in search of the pilgrims plantation would you like to see . these a black bear skits sure. go ahead max all right we both like a sleigh ride welcome to. people in the people who live here in southeast massachusetts. they're the ones who helped welcome the pilgrims when they first came here their name means people of the first light are for. on the eastern people so the minute the sun came up that's really what they're their name right today in two thousand and seventeen there are about five to seven thousand and at their highest they could have been as many as one hundred two hundred forty one twenty seven twenty seven. how are you part of this contemporary world or are you part of the ancient native american world in the open on home soil. we talk to people just as we're talking to that who are actually needed pe