we work closely with the project oversight, pmos, who essentially wrote the report. we work in concert with them; they attend all of our meetings. what they are communicating is basically an action plan that we have internally. we made considerable headway; one of the comments was about the drilling work in union square. we have analyzed it and made recommendations. the contractor is actually in the process of and lamenting those recommendations in order to meet that schedule. in any construction enterprise, change is a constant. we need to be flexible. the point is we need to aggressively look at concerns and challenges and address those concerns and move onto the next one because there will be others. we meet with them regularly. i personally meet with the pmo, the individual that wrote that report, at least three to four times a week. >> thank you. >> anybody else? in that case, members of the public who wish to address the board on this issue? >> julie choy, stanley chan and -- last speaker. >> good afternoon. >> chair nolan, board, director reiskin. i am preside