a pneumatic mallet. wow. isn't that something? makes it a lot easier in tight spaces.eah, i bet, right? i love it. he's going to steal that. keep your eye on that. after that, little bubble wrap to keep that heat up. so that's going to direct it to the first floor as opposed to having it come down here into the basement. you're just going in with staples? richard: yep, try to make that heat go where it's supposed to where the people's feet are. well, we took out a huge boiler, richard so we've got to replace it with something. right, so the modern boiler is this. this is a condensing boiler, super efficient, and it's going to vent to outside through plastic venting out here. we're also going to bring combustion air into it from outside and this is going to do three things. it's going to heat water and the three functions are -- start right here. you've got a circulator pump that's going to send supply and return water out to the air handles the things i just showed you one in the basement, one in the second floor. that's the conditioned space throughout the house. and