pso we're talking about the pairports being affected from the pdeep south to the new england parea. pnew york city, washington, pbaltimore, now, the two big pairports in the d.c. area, pthey're reporting major issues pstill on this monday morning. pdulles, they said they cancelled p50% of their flights today palone. preagan national, 15% of their pflights are cancelled. pso if you are heading to the pairport, if you have friends or pfamily that are coming back in pfrom that area, definitely a pcouple of things, one, check pwith your airline before you phead to the airport. pthat way you're not wasting your ptime and get to the airport with lenty of time ahead of you. pthere might be more than one pflight going to a particular parea and it might get super, psoup he were crowded. pallow yourself time. pwe'll be here all morning and phopefully it will stay the same pas far as the red on the big pboard right now. ptampa international holding a pbig job fair today, too. pthey're looking to fill 125 ositions. p65 new shops and restaurants are pcoming to the airport. pabout half will open later