. -- pnly fair. the car's make this operation is expensive. if we could advocate for a new revenue stream that is doing the right thing, i think it is a win-win, so to speak. chairman nolan: thank you all very much for coming in. i really appreciated. [applause] secretary boomer: item 15. discussion and vote as to whether to conduct a closed session. secretary boomer: the board of directors met in a closed session. they took no action. there is no discussion of anticipated litigation. >> i move not to disclose. chairman nolan: and there is a second. secretary boomer: that includes our discussion -- that concludes our discussion for today. chairman nolan: good work, everybody. >> hi, my name is melissa griffen. and a member of the league of women voters of san francisco. >> proposition b authoress the city to authorized to hundred $48 million in bonds to improved street structures such as bridges. this would come with an increasing property tax, if needed, to pay for those improvements. the city is responsible for maintaining about 850 miles of