. >> and i urge you that this is an area that is going to be, po nen shally growing in terms of the importance and the fed's internal expertise, and insuring that we are working with more closely with the overall banking industry, and to up the game is critically important. and now sh, a number of us have talked about how we can generate additional job growth. one of the concerns that i have is to particularly with the public markets that we have seen an enormous rush over the last decade plus starting in the 90s, and over the last decade and last few years toward short termism in terms of the views and the long-term creation, and many ways this is undermining, basic tenets of the american capitalism as more and more people choose, and more and more financial institutions can choose to invest in financial institutions rather than lending institutions, and some data as low as 15% of the financial institutions activities are actually geared towards the supporting businesses in making inv investments and communities, and we have seen among the public companies that in the 1980s that 50% of the pr