my name is jose pocasangre, and my wife is marta pocasangre, and we decided to buy 178 madrid street. the house needed some remodeling. so they began to work on the walls, put new cabinets, paint, and other minor works, ok? and they continue by saying when they bought the house, they were not aware that the house basemen had in legal issues, ok? -- basement had legal issues, ok? they decided to change the windows, ok? the contractor told them that they needed a permit to replace the windows of the house, ok? they obtained a permit, ok? and then they have worked very hard to be able to pay for the high mortgage and property taxes, ok? sometimes, they have even gone to the bank to borrow a loan to make an -- make it. currently, his wife is not working, ok, because the company that his wife was working for moved to another state, and also, they are getting a loan on top of that to pay the overall permit, ok? so they basically are struggling, struggling to maintain the house expenses, so basically what he is asking is for the amount, $7,500, if it can be lowered, you know? if it can be lo