a new york illustrator, mark podwal, helped create a new haggadah for reform jews.he hidden matzoh, the four children -- podwal illustrates them all, combining his own imagination with haggadahs from the middle ages. >> what's unique about this haggadah is trying to draw in as many people as possible to participate in the service. that's why it's called "sharing the journey." there are wonderful explanations that are very inclusive, and so you can come to this seder not knowing anything.da although i try to be as original as possible, i like to have some tradition not only in the concepts but in the images that are used. i wanted somehow to include the seder plate visually because it's there in description, and i also wanted to make a reference to medieval haggadahs where there were large letters that illuminated a page, and so what i decided to do was have that image with the three letters of the word "seder" and within the samech, the first letter, i drew the seder plate. in trying to come up with an original way to depict the four children, i did them as books an